At 50, I Faced Mockery from a Young Colleague and Ended Up Teaching Her a Lesson — Story of the Day


Losing my husband left me feeling like a ship adrift. The days blurred together, and it seemed impossible to find purpose again.

The psychology degree I’d tucked away years ago suddenly seemed like my last lifeline. So, I dusted it off and decided it was time to use it in my 50s.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

When I landed an internship at an IT startup, I could hardly believe it. Technology wasn’t exactly my field.

But I thought, “Why not? Maybe this is the fresh start I need.”

My new boss, Liam, was 28. Sharp, ambitious, and a bit too focused on one thing. Success. Profits, growth, numbers.

People? Not so much.

During our first meeting, Liam barely looked at me. I could feel the skepticism rolling off him.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

“So, I was thinking,” I began cautiously. “It might help if we focus on building stronger connections within the tea…”

Liam interrupted me, “We’re growing fast. I need results. What exactly are you suggesting?”

“Well, it’s about creating a balance.”

“You’re an intern, right? Just listen and repeat,” he said, already turning back to his laptop.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

That was it. The conversation’s over. I left the office feeling deflated.

Maybe I am too old for this.

I needed a fresh perspective, so I called Jake my best friend.


Jake had always been the one to pull me through, even in my darkest moments. After my husband passed away, there were days when I couldn’t even get out of bed. But Jake was there, encouraging me when I couldn’t see past the grief.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

We agreed to meet at our usual spot, a quiet café around the corner from my place. It was one of those cozy spots where time seemed to slow down.

Jake was already there when I arrived.

“Hey, Mary. You look like you’ve got a lot on your mind,” Jake said, waving me over.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

I sat down. “I don’t know, Jake. This new job… It’s harder than I thought. Liam’s young, and he’s all about numbers and profits.”

“Liam, huh? The 28-year-old boss you told me about?”

I sighed. “Yeah. He’s not focused on people. I suggested some ideas, but he brushed them off.”

“Sounds like he’s missing the bigger picture,” Jake replied. “You’ve been through a lot. You know how to bring people together, how to help them connect. Why not use that?”

I looked at him, confused.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

“What do you mean?”

“Remember that emotional support program you wrote as your thesis? Why not offer that as the team-building event? It’s what you know best, and it works.”

I thought for a moment. He was right. The program had given me back my strength after losing my husband.

“Maybe you’re onto something,” I said, a bit more hopeful. “I’ll pitch the idea to Liam.”

Jake grinned. “Now you’re talking. And remember, if anyone can get through to a guy like him, it’s you.”

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney


With renewed confidence, I approached Liam the next day. After explaining the team-building event, I watched his face, hoping for some spark of interest.

“Alright, Mary. Let’s give it a shot,” Liam said, though his voice lacked the enthusiasm I’d hoped for.

“Thanks, Liam. I’ll make sure the team will benefit from it.”

Suddenly, my eyes caught Lora, who’d been standing just outside the office, clearly eavesdropping on our conversation. She stepped into my path before I could walk by.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

“Team-building, huh? Sounds like a big project,” she said, her eyes glinting with something I couldn’t quite place.

“It should be a good way to get everyone more connected,” I said, trying to stay upbeat despite the uncomfortable tension I felt with her.

“Liam agreed to this? Surprising, he’s not really into this soft stuff.”

I shrugged lightly. “He’s willing to try, so that’s something.”

She paused for a moment, then smiled again, a little too brightly.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

“Hey, since you’ll be busy organizing all the activities, why don’t I handle the logistics? I’m good at that kind of thing.”

There was something about the way she said it that made me hesitate. Still, I didn’t want to come across as untrusting, especially since I was new.

“That will be helpful,” I said. “Thanks, Lora.”

“No problem! I’ll take care of everything.”

I had no idea at the time that she had her own agenda. I was just grateful for the help.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney


The day of the team-building event was supposed to be my chance to prove myself. But when I arrived at the venue, there was nothing. No decorations, no people, and no sign that an event was planned.

Something was wrong. As I stood there, staring at the empty space, my phone rang. It was Liam.

“Mary, where are you? Everyone’s here, waiting. You said you’d be running this thing, and now you’re not even here!”

Panic surged through me. “What!? Liam, I’m here at the location I arranged. No one’s here.”

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

“What location?” His voice hardened. “The whole team’s at the new place Lora said you picked.”

Lora. Of course.

It was a setup, and I had walked right into it. That was her way of making me look incompetent in front of Liam.

“I’m on my way,” I managed to say before hanging up.

I dialed Jake. “Jake, I need your help. Fast.”

“What happened?”

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

“Lora changed the location for the team-building without telling me. I can make it work. But it has to be my territory, not Lora’s one. I need you to bring everybody to my house.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll be there soon,” he said without hesitation.

I rushed home. I had just enough time to pull things together.

I set up tables on the terrace, lit lanterns, and made the garden feel as welcoming as possible. My nerves were on edge, but I wasn’t about to let that situation get the best of me. Not yet.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney


Jake arrived with the entire team packed into his van. The employees spilled out, looking confused but intrigued by the cozy setting.

The event was going better than I could have imagined. People paired up, laughing and chatting, their usual office facades dropping away. The atmosphere in my garden seemed to work its magic.

Liam, who had always been so serious and closed off, was finally loosening up. He moved from group to group, engaging in conversations, and even smiled.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

At one point, I noticed Lora and Liam paired up. I edged a little closer, curious about their conversation.

“This place is really nice,” Lora said, glancing around the garden.

“Yeah, I have to admit, it’s… different from the usual corporate events.”

Lora laughed lightly. “Different is good, right? Sometimes, I think we all get stuck in our little bubbles at the office.”

Liam leaned back in his chair. “You’re right. I didn’t realize how much the team needed this. We’re always pushing for results, overlooking something important.”

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

I saw them both letting their guards down. For a moment, I felt a pang of satisfaction.

Maybe this event will bring them closer together in more ways than one.

I caught Lora watching me from across the garden. Even with the evening going smoothly, I had a feeling this wasn’t the end of her games.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney


As the evening wound down and people began to leave, I noticed Lora with Liam near my wardrobe. Lora glanced around casually and then reached for a stack of papers. She picked them up, flipping through the pages briefly.

“Hey, Mary,” she called out. “What’s this? Something important?”

Liam’s face turned red with anger when he noticed the papers in Lora’s hands. He grabbed the documents.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

“What the hell are these doing here?” he snapped, glaring at me. “I prepared these for a meeting with investors. I left them on my desk, Mary.”

I opened my mouth to explain, but he didn’t give me a chance.

“Don’t pretend to be the innocent intern. It’s obvious now. You’re here working for the competition, aren’t you? I trusted you!”

“No, Liam, I…” I tried, but he cut me off with a dismissive wave.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

“We’ll talk later. Stay out of my way for now.”

With that, he turned and left the room. I turned to Lora.

She smirked. “I didn’t think those documents were THAT important. I just wanted to teach you a lesson.”

“A lesson? You’ve ruined everything!”

Still, I believed the real Lora, the one I’d seen laughing with Liam earlier, was still in there somewhere. But at that moment, she chose to be her worst self.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

I sank into a chair, feeling utterly defeated. Jake came over, resting a hand on my shoulder.

“Everything happens for a reason, Mary. Don’t give up just yet.”

When I received a message from Liam asking me to meet him the next day at the office, I didn’t know what to expect, but I decided to go there with my head held high.


The next afternoon, I arrived at the office with a heavy heart, and when I walked in, I saw both Liam and Lora there.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

“Mary, I… I need to apologize,” Lora began, her voice shaking slightly. “I was the one who moved the location for the team-building event. I wanted to make you look bad, and… I also planted those documents on your desk.”

“Why?” I asked, barely able to believe what I was hearing.

Lora sighed, dropping her gaze to the floor.

“I was jealous. I thought you were drawing Liam’s attention away from me, and I let that cloud my judgment. But after the team-building event and after hearing what you said… I realized how wrong I was.”

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

Liam, who had been listening quietly, stepped forward.

“She’s telling the truth, Mary. And honestly, I’m thankful for what you did.” He turned to me, his tone softer. “That evening in your garden, I didn’t just feel like the boss anymore. I felt like a regular person again. I started noticing things I hadn’t in years. It was a wake-up call.”

He glanced at Lora and winked, making her blush and giggle nervously. I couldn’t help but smile. It seemed that the casual, relaxed atmosphere of that evening had done more than I could have hoped for.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

Liam then turned back to me. “Mary, your methods really worked. So, from today, I’d like to make it official. You’ll be the company’s emotional recovery coach.”

I was stunned for a moment, then broke into a wide smile. “Really? I… thank you, Liam.”

Liam added, “And we’ve got more to celebrate. The morning meeting with the investors went great. So, I’m inviting the whole team to stay after work tonight for pizza. From now on, let’s make it a tradition!”

I laughed, feeling lighter than I had in weeks. The weight of uncertainty was gone. I had found my path and could focus on helping others do the same.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

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If you enjoyed this story, read this one: After my mother passed away, I thought I knew everything about her life. But a sudden discovery during my journey led to a truth I never expected. What I found changed everything I thought I knew about my past… and my future. Read the full story here.

This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone’s life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to

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