Patriotic high schooler chooses homeschooling over removing the flag from his truck


The latest trend in America is to disrespect your flag and country. Spurred on by privileged athletes, woke actors, liberal politicians, and a mainstream media that would have you believe America is a bad place to live, many people have accepted this story as fact.

Unfortunately, if there are no adults engaged who are devoted to educating their children to look at all sides, many youngsters will miss out on seeing the whole picture. Leftists produce lefty children, and if a child is only exposed to MSNBC and woke teachers at school, he or she is doomed to be indoctrinated into a woke mindset.

Unfortunately, in many locations, if a young person deviates from the mainstream narrative, the awakened mob comes after them in an all-out effort to stifle their disagreement. While it may not always succeed, many young people are too self-conscious and timid to stand out for what they believe is right, preferring to remain silent and follow the company line.

For one Virginia teen, his patriotism and desire to fly the American flag trumped his desire to attend public high school. As a result, he took a strong stance for what he believed in, eventually choosing home educating over public school indoctrination.

Christopher Hartless, a Staunton River High School student in Bedford County, Virginia, proudly displayed American flags on his pickup vehicle. When the school asked him to take down the flags, he resisted. When the school later canceled his parking pass, Hartless “peaced out” and decided he’d had enough. Instead of giving up his patriotism, the brave teen chose homeschooling.

While the school cited policy, claiming that the flags were a “distraction,” Hartless, with the support of his family, stood firm. He stated: “My family fought for America and I feel like I should be able to represent the flag that they fought for. I don’t understand how it’s distracting if they have one on the flagpole that every other student can see.”

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